World’s leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.

Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication.

Welcome! This site allows you to take practice tests in preparation for the United States Amateur Radio (Ham radio) and Commercial Radio licensing exams.

Amateur Radio Test Questions 22

Amateur Radio Test Questions 72

Welcome to the AA9PW Amateur Exam practice pages. This site helps you practice for the any of the three written examinations required to obtain a US Amateur Radio license.

Amateur Radio Test Questions 83

Amateur Radio Test Questions 58

Amateur Radio Test Questions 38

Amateur Radio Test Questions 103

Amateur Radio Test Questions 76

*Free Study Aid – ARRL General license manual (8th ed.) *** Free online study aid for use with the ARRL General license exam study manual (8th Ed.).

Amateur Radio Test Questions 2

– is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio).

Amateur Radio Test Questions 43

Amateur Radio Test Questions 87

Free ham radio flash cards, practice tests, and question pools as well as introduction to ham radio and explanations for questions.

Sunnyvale VEC Amateur Radio Club, we give Amateur Radio tests for the FCC.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.