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American Civil War; Clockwise from top: Battle of Gettysburg, Union Captain John Tidball’s artillery, Confederate prisoners, ironclad USS Atlanta, ruins of Richmond, Virginia, Battle of Franklin

Complete basic uniform package for the Confederate Civil War soldier. Confederate Uniform special pricing at C&C Sutlery. Affordable. Authentic Civil War reproductions made in USA for reenactment or memorabilia.

Uniforms and clothing worn by Union and Confederate Soldiers During the Civil War Union Officer Uniform The two sides are often referred to by the color of their official uniforms, blue for the Union, gray for the Confederates.

Only a tiny fraction of any Civil War soldier’s time was spent in front line combat. Instead, the vast majority of his existence revolved around the monotonous routines of camp life, which presented its own set of struggles and hardships.

During the American Civil War (1861–1865), the Union, also known as the North, referred to the United States of America and specifically to the national government of President Abraham Lincoln and the 20 free states, as well as 4 border and slave states (some with split governments and troops sent both north and south) that supported it.

Easier – In the United States, the Civil War was between the Confederacy, or southern states, and the Union, or northern states.

One of the first Americans to become proficient at photography, Mathew Brady earned eternal fame—and poverty—for documenting the carnage of the Civil War.

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Mar 05, 2007 · If you are writing as a northern (Union) soldier, submit your journal entry to the comments section for this post.

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The three million soldiers who served in the Civil War each represent a unique story waiting to be told. Although no two men had the exact same journey into the army, experience in battle or emotional response to their involvement, similar threads weave their way through a significant number of these narratives.

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Civil War Antiques that we have in our Antiques & Art Mall. We have a great collection of Civil War memorabilia from Civil War pictures to Civil War weapons.