Why do teens get periods? What goes on when a woman gets pregnant? What can go wrong with the female reproductive system? Find the answers to these questions and more in this article for teens.

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When investigators opened up the carcass of a Pacific spadenose shark found off the coast of Taiwan, they were shocked to find the shark had both male and female reproductive organs. This is the first time scientists have documented an intersex shark of this particular species. However

Intersex people are born with any of several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, “do not fit the typical definitions for male or female …

A sex organ (or reproductive organ) is any part of an ‘s body that is involved in sexual reproduction.The reproductive organs together constitute the reproductive system.

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Exactly what you need to know but don’t want to ask about in mans and teens, and the changes you can expect to your body.

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BigEye.com: Just look around and notice how many Americans are seriously overweight! Weight-loss is achieved by eating sensibly, combined with activity and exercise.

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Although a woman’s external genitals are commonly referred to as the “vagina,” the vagina is actually one of several organs that comprise this section of a woman’s body.

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The female reproductive system is designed to carry out several functions. It produces the female egg cells necessary for reproduction, called the ova or oocytes. The system is designed to transport the ova to the site of fertilization. Conception, the fertilization of an egg by a sperm, normally

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Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs, video, anatomy charts, information, post-menopausal, sex, bladder, bowel, weight gain, nerves, blood flow, functions, heart disease, ovaries, gonads, castration, joint pain, muscle, hormones, hrt

What is reproductive and sexual anatomy? Reproductive and sexual anatomy includes your genitals and your internal sex and reproductive organs. Everyone’s reproductive and sexual anatomy looks a little different.

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