Just a few days ago the internet was going bananas over a trick of light which made a woman look as if she had an astonishingly large dong. That was just

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A man who was once thought to have the world’s largest penis has branded the new record-holder a cheat. Jonah Falcon, 47, who claims to have a 13.5inch penis, says

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Man with the ‘world’s largest penis’ is registered disabled because of his 19-inch manhood because he can’t wear work uniforms or get on his knees

The well-endowed black man is by many seen as a myth but prostitutes and gays confirm that black penises are the largest, Asian penises are …

Jonah Falcon is known the world over for having the worlds largest human penis, measuring in at 13.5 inches in length. He isn’t a porn star,and doesn’t aspire to be one.

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The Icelandic Phallological Museum (Icelandic: Hið Íslenzka Reðasafn), located in Reykjavík, Iceland, houses the world’s largest display of penises and penile parts. The collection of 280 specimens from 93 species of s includes 55 penises taken from whales, 36 from seals and 118 from land mammals, allegedly including Huldufólk

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A man who claims he has the world’s largest penis has reportedly weighed it to prove it is real. According to TMZ, Roberto Esquivel Cabrera weighed what is believed to be his 18.9 inch member on camera at his home in Saltillo, Mexico, and it came out at 2lbs.

A MAN once believed to have the world’s largest penis has labelled the new self-proclaimed record-holder “disgusting” and “desperate”. Jonah Falcon, who has a 13.5inch member, said the fact that Roberto Esquivel Cabrera had used weights to stretch his penis to 19inches meant his claim was absurd

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Meet Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, the man with possibly world’s biggest penis. Having a half-meter weiner, however, is not what it’s cracked up to be.

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WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES Jonah Falcon, who claims his own penis is 13.5 inches when erect, has lashed out at ‘record holder’ Roberto Esquivel Cabrera

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