New Tool Predicts Eye, Hair, and Skin Color From DNA Sample. The HIrisPlex-S DNA test system is capable of simultaneously predicting eye, hair, and skin

Gay and lesbian perspectives on style, entertainment, travel, fashion, arts, politics, culture, music, film, celebrities and the world at large.

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Lesbians on the loose magazine is Australia’s national magazine for Lesbians, Bisexuals and queer women. Established in 1989, LOTL magazine captures the lesbian community in providing information about big events such as the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, Melbourne Midsumma, Adelaide Feast and Brisbane Pride …

A full black and white utopia. PSM Magazine No. 7 Spring 2018. On the cover: Juju Ivanyuk from Monster Management portrayed in Rome by photographer Pino Leone.

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Curve, the nation’s best-selling lesbian magazine, spotlights celebrity interviews, news, politics, shopping, pop culture, style, travel, social issues and entertainment.

Dolly Model Competition. The Dolly Model Competition is a branch from the Dolly magazine. It is a competition held for teen readers …

Part two of Victoria Brownworth’s social issues series: The rarely spoken about threat lesbians face, from one another.

For centuries, being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in America meant hiding at least part of who you were. The stigma traces as far back as the colonial era, when sodomy was a capital crime, women were arrested for having same-sex relations and men were jailed for wearing women’s clothes

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Founded in 1975, Lesbian News Magazine is North America’s longest running lesbian publication, serving as the foremost voice for lesbians of all ages.

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Welcome to Q MAGAZINE On Line – your virtual access to the only Magazine of its kind in Australia.. Q MAGAZINE – the ONLY free to street monthly Gay and Lesbian glossy A5 publication of its kind in the country.

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