In-depth interview with erotic nude model Peter Le, of Asian Muscle Worship site Le talks about his site and his books. Hot pictures included.

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About Mike South. Welcome to the official Mike South adult industry blog, the premier destination for adult industry news since 1998. Mike South the man was a porn producer, who won two AVN

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LIVE from their traditional locale in the suburbs of warm, sunny Nowhere Special, USA, the 8th annual Spank Bank Awards proudly presented by …

Man Crush: Let’s start off with some random questions to make sure you’re awake and on your toes. What’s a talent, outside of porn, that you have that would probably surprise everyone? Paddy O’Brian: First of all I’d like to say a big ‘ello to you and my lovely fans and friends! What

The official website for James Gunn, writer/director of Slither, writer of 2004\’s Dawn of the Dead, The Specials, Tromeo and Juliet, The Scooby-Doo movies, the internet series PG-Porn and the novel The Toy Collector.

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GayDemon’s private blog with the hottest men in gay porn and previews of the latest fuck scenes.

A new twink porn model, Rustie Port, has moved in at gymans.This ”straight” muscular man is caught in the shower after gym, and as you can see, he’s been working out a lot lately.

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Dane Cross (born October 3, 1983) is a pornographic actor and director.. In 2010 he won the AVN Award for Best Male Newcomer, the XBIZ Award for New Male Performer of the Year, and the XRCO Award for New Stud.

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A pornographic actor (or actress for female), or porn star, is a person who performs sex acts in video that is usually characterized as a pornographic movie.Such videos tend to be made in a number of distinct pornographic subgenres and attempt to present a sexual fantasy and the actors selected for a particular role are primarily selected on

In-depth interview with erotic nude model Peter Le, of Asian Muscle Worship site Le talks about his site and his books. Hot pictures included.

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