The Rocketeer is a 1991 film period superhero adventure film distributed by Walt Disney Pictures in the USA, and by Touchstone Pictures internationally and based on the character of the same name created by comic book writer/artist Dave Stevens, who also served as a co-producer.

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ZuGoPet – The Rocketeer Pack. Tested: July 2017 Passed Testing: Yes Rating: 5 Star Test Protocol: CPS-001-014.01 Test Evidence: Video; Located below

The Rocketeer & Betty Statue by Mondo is available at for fans of Rocketeer.

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Being released in 1991, there was not much competition for super-heroic-esque films, and for that, I must say that “The Rocketeer” does what it sets out to do, beautifully.

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Jul 28, 2016 · Decades after the original film was a box office disappointment, Disney is developing a The Rocketeer sequel titled The Rocketeers.

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Feb 27, 2018 · Disney has started production on an animated s’ show based on The Rocketeer, Dave Stevens’ comic series that was adapted into a movie in 1991. Read more about The Rocketeer animated series here.