The Great Big Government Sell-Off: Osborne to sell RBS stake at a loss to taxpayer as Treasury halves Royal Mail holding and offloads more of Lloyds

Pushing back against an overzealous Canadian Revenue Agency, opposing wasteful corporate welfare handouts and runaway deficit spending are just a few campaigns led by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

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Plagiarizing others to foment anti-Russian sentiment is standard Guardian business.

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The survey proved that being well organized and having complete information can save you money. Nearly three-quarters of the preparers said they charge an additional fee averaging $117 for clients with disorganized or incomplete information.

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Get the latest weird news stories from all over the world. Find bizarre and offbeat news about people, nature and unexplained mysteries at ABC News.

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President Donald Trump used taxpayer money to track media reports just one day after adult film star Stormy Daniels sued him over their alleged affair, new documents reveal.

The Carillion collapse could cost the taxpayer more than £1 billion.Fees paid to liquidation advisers PwC could also run into hundreds of millions

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Universal health coverage is a broad concept that has been implemented in several ways. The common denominator for all such programs is some form of government action aimed at extending access to health care as widely …

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President Trump should teach a course on populism – to his own Cabinet members. Trump, of course, has promised to drain the swamp and make Washington more accountable to the people. Yet there’s nothing more swampy than government officials using taxpayer money for their own jollies, which seems

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