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Be a Part of DMV-Travelers Teen Safe Driving Video Contest – DEADLINE EXTENDED to March 1, 2018 Abstract: Calling Connecticut High college Students – this is your chance to shine in front of a statewide audience, promote driving safety, and have a …

The nation’s #1 Defensive Driving Course provided by National Safety Council. Trusted by traffic courts and motor vehicle departments than any other.

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Teens’ Biggest Safety Threat is Sitting on the Driveway. Half of all teens will be involved in a car crash before graduating from high college. Parental involvement doesn’t end when a gets a license.

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Our Mission is Safety. The National Safety Council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy.

Driving college and Schedule. The B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Pro-Active Driving college is a free, defensive driving program. The college is designed for teenagers (aged 15-19) who already have a learner’s permit or driver’s license and have at least thirty hours of driving …

NHTSA’s Teen Driving site contains information on States’ driver licensing requirements for teens as well as ideas and resources to help you—the parents—lay down the ground rules with your aspiring driver before you hand over the car keys.

DRIVING LESSONS As this area’s only AAA-Approved Driving college, Suncoast Safety Counciltakes pride in providing safe, professional driving lessons and teen driver’s education to people of all ages and skill levels.

Teen driving safety research team at CHOP works to reduce the frequency and severity of teens’ motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

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Safe Teen Driving Safety 23 promotes safe driving for teens and new drivers and is a top- ranked teen driving site on the web. It features hundreds of driving tips including ones for driving around town, around college, driving in bad weather, driving in the country, tips for buying a used car, finding an online driving course, tire safety, selecting auto

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Reinforcing safe decision making through teen safe driving simulators, defensive driving class, and alcohol & drug education programs