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Welcome to the Radio Amateurs of Canada website!

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Cairns Amateurs Fishbowl. Enjoy trackside dining at its best in the all new Cairns Amateurs Fishbowl! Located in the bottom of the two storey marquee at the top of the track, the Cairns Amateurs Fishbowl is the ultimate race day experience.

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When the world is in crisis, it’s time to improvise. In THE AMATEURS, an intrepid troupe of pageant players races across medieval Europe, struggling to outrun the Black Death.

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Money Talks. This website contains information, links,images and videos of the RealityKings explicit material. If you are under the age of 21, if such material offends you or if it’s to view such material in your community please do not continue.

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Since the beginning Hometown Amateurs has dominated the wholesome, true to form Amateur niche on the internet offering a variety of both playful and softcore images to the more hardcore “in your face” one on one and sometimes three on one action.