Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women? Tech companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to improve conditions for female employees.

Oct 06, 2013 · Hint: The answer has more to do with “The Big Bang Theory” than with longstanding theories about men’s so-called natural aptitude.

If you have a few days off over the holidays, one of the best things you can possibly do with your time is work on fixing your sleep habits. Our sleep problems are so bad that the CDC refers to them as “a public health epidemic.” Sleeping too much isn’t good for you either and comes with its own

This article and discussion in general is so important. My view and judgement is unimportant either way. I grew up in a catholic family where we didn’t discuss sex, so my sex education came from peers, my Catholic college and Cosmopolitan Magazines.

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Amy Fleming’s tasting notes: The strong savoury flavour that makes everything from spag bol to Marmite so hard to resist may serve a vital evolutionary purpose. We could even use it to fight malnutrition.

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I call the women that come back “boomerangs.” My longest so far is an 8 year boomerang but 2 and 3 year boomerangs are common. The …

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Why are so many men losing their sex drive? Men are now more likely to refuse sex than women – and doctors blame everything from the recession to toxins

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An explanation of why happiness is the most important aspect of life by The Happiness Show producer and co-host, George Ortega

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Even with all we know about relationships these days, there seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to the “chase” and how that differs from “pl

No contact period is killing me and driving me crazy! Why is it so hard? Does my ex miss me? Here is why NC is so important if you want to get your ex back.

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